Tuesday, October 9, 2007

AAR Droog Project

- adapted the Droog design philosophy
- interactive aspect
- good words

- should have related project to my own work
- craftsmanship
- should have completed project in a few weeks and moved on
- should have worn various word brooches around and gotten feed back from many different sources
- should have been in love with the idea enough to see it through

What ifs:
- I feel like the idea was there and that the project was a good prototype for something Droog could actually make. If Droog had their manufacturers behind this, I should it would be much better.
- I also should have related this to my own work in a better way. I'm not exactly sure how, since Droog's design mindset, while interesting, is different than my own. I felt like this project was really disparate from what I want to work on, and I know I should have fixed that, I'm just not sure how I could have done that and have it still be Droog.

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