Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thinking of You. . .

Sorry for the lack of posting, but my Christmas break has been super busy. There were six consecutive days of Christmasing and visiting with family and friends, much baking and even more snow, a very productive shopping trip (jeans that fit! one pair for $8!), some cleaning up and clearing out, lunch with a dear friend, and a mild but obnoxious head cold.

Amongst all of that, I managed to finish up my sketchbook for Art House's Sketchbook Library. My theme was "Thinking of You". I was a little unenthusiastic about this theme at first, but I got into and I'm pretty happy with the results. Some pages are stronger than others, but I guess that goes for every sketchbook. These are just a few shots of some of my favorite pages.

Hope you had a great holiday season, and wishing you a happy and safe new year! Thanks for reading!

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