Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Peter's Valley Part 3

Swimmin' Hole eat your heart out. . .

One of my favorite things I did while at Peter's Valley was go swimming at Crater Lake. It was just so beautiful and peaceful. The water was shallow and warm. There were large rocks that were also warm (sometimes I need to sun myself like a lizard). And after the bus load of kids left 1o minutes after we arrived, there were only a few other people around.

Crater Lake is sort of a local secret. It's hard to find and doesn't show up on GPS, so you have to have someone show you where it is by actually taking you there. I only went with two other people, and even though I tried to pay close attention, I have a terrible sense of direction, and don't think I could find this place again. But after that first week, I didn't really have time to go anyway.

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